"NÓ de PINHO"  =  Araucaria-Pinetree-Knots  -   Available in São Paulo
 "Nó de Pinho" ( stands for"Araucaria-Pinetree-Knots" )   as the most excelent natural firewood, is found so far, exclusively in Brazil.
 They are normally sold in
10 Kg - 15 kg bags
The "knots", heavy pieces of "resin-impregnated-conic-shaped-wood", during many centuries resisted decay under the soil, long after the large stems (which originated them), were naturally decomposed.
 These KNOTS (intersection of branches to their stems) remained unchanged on the graund. Actually can solely be disintegrated by fire.
Their sizes vary. any of them big or small, burn excelently.

.                                                                              B A C K
   Their flame last for hours.  Wise users, save the precious knots  
 mixing them up with Eucalyptus or Pinetree-firewood.
Every year they become more scarce.  We may anticipate that in a decade or so the "Nó de Pinho" shall not be available anymore. The ones presently used are remnants of "centuries'-old-Araucaria-trees".

Origin: During centuries those huge Araucaria-trunks kept falling to the ground, eventually struck by lightning, fires  etc.  (one may say also through "aging" - end of life cycle)
 Nowadays, while plowing, farmers finding them under the ground, collect the knots, pile them up, thus providing an "additional income",  selling them as fire-wood. 
Since thousands of years the Brazilian South East coast was covered by the "Atlantic Forest"
( Brazilian designation for Native forests along the Atlantic ).  Particularly in the brazilian Southern States: Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais, the dominant specie was the ARAUCARIA, designated "Pinheiro do Paraná" - araucaria angustifolia and araucaria brasiliensis. 

. These trees in the past reached up to 52 meters height and their trunk up to 8,5 meters circumference. The cones are shaped like a ball with over 30 cm diameter and provide seeds averaging  6 cm length. (These are edible ! Boiled, some butter and salt added, are a real delicious 'TREAT').
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The lumber industry (thousands of saw-mills) exploited these Araucaria forests to exhaustion (mainly for export).  That "saw-mill-boom" provided at the time thousands of jobs. Is lasted until last century (mid  1950's)
Brazilian authorities nowadays  protect the natural forests, particularly the Araucarias.
Presently the cutting of any Araucaria, as well as  any native tree, requires a special permit.
Sample of ARAUCARIAS being planted at  the Castanheiras Reserve - for the posterity...